Week three of Blawger Bowl could be described as a week lacking all intensity for Unbillable Hours' Jersey Teamsters. Coming off of a 142-113 loss to BizzBangBuzz, the Jersey Teamsters felt the brunt of Atlanta's loss to New Orleans. Fortunately, so did our opponent. The Invent Blog's Draconian Measures fell to the Jersey Teamsters 89-86. This leaves the Jersey Teamsters in third place with a 2-1-0 record and 324 overall points. It also drops the Draconian Measures to 11th place with a 1-2-0 record and 293 overall points.
The Invent Blog is a pretty technical blawg, as one would expect. Focused on Patent Law, Stephen M. Nipper, Esq., author of the Invent Blog provides a lot of information for inventors and patent lawyers. For example, think of those late night commercials that have the little caveman that invents the wheel. The company that makes those commercials is an invention promotion company, and as with most other companies, there are ethical ones.... and not-so-ethical ones.
The Invent Blog has information on some options for individuals when they've been ripped off by the unethical companies. Of course, if you want advice, you should consult an attorney, but it's good that there are blogs out there that give this sort of information. The Invent Blog is also a good resource to check out information on interesting patents, such as the design of the iPod.
Me? I hate the iPod. But you hipsters out there may like it.