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Thursday, June 16, 2005



I love that picture. If you go to Whiteface Mountain you tend to take pictures of the little tiny things you can see from Whiteface. Not the mountain. Objectively, the picture contextualizes Angkor Wat. Subjectively, it records the journey.

TPB, Esq.

I haven't been to Whiteface since I was a little one. I might do that soon. I need a short trip, just to clean the mind. I was initially thinking that Mt. Washington would be the way to go.


Mt. Washington will clean your pores, Whiteface will clean your wallet. Mind-cleaning mountains are out west. Try Montauk.


Yeah, that is on my list of places to visit...

TPB, Esq.

I've been to those mind-cleaning mountains out west. I miss them. Until I can get back to them, I need a nearby fix.

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