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Sunday, May 15, 2005



I'm not so into Ken Follett, although a male friend of mine said he writes the best sex scenes ever. True?

TPB, Esq.

I don't know. My paralegal keeps giving me Follett books, thinking that I'll get into the potboiler fiction scene. Well, at least I hope that's why.

It could be that he's pointing out his favorite "dirty parts."


you really need to think about this paralegal.

i haven't ever read this follett bloke.


you really need to tell this to anyone that is dead to you....don't call me ever again, don't contact me, and I'm married and my wife is the jealous type...God...don't anger her, please! I'm happy now, so just go on with your life, and it's over with us. If you call, be certain that you're going to get into very dangerous waters! Bullets, hahahha...just be happy and trust God will bring you together with your new guy.... Good luck! Then remember, that you were great, and it just wasn't God's plan....think all the stupid stuff like you think...but, it still is over with us, and you can find someone better, and life will not be over, but begin with him, your new love. Bullets and Roses, so to speak...hahahha

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