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Sunday, April 03, 2005



Every time somebody buys a copy of The DaVinci Code St. Iggy cries.

TPB, Esq.

Oh how I hate that book. I tried to stomach that nonsense, but only got eighty pages into it before throwing the book down. Poorly written and in bad taste. And that's coming from a non-believer.


See, I've always carried a torch for Phlox in Chabon's The Mysteries of Pittsburgh. Great pope story, but how come you didn't mention the fight he picked with Prez Bush?


~The Wonder Boys was filmed in my neighborhood here in Pittsburgh...the house they used for Prof. Tripp's house is 2 down from mine...I would see Katie Holmes walking up & down my street in the Freindship section of Pittsburgh for a few months when they were shooting scenes with Michael Douglas in the house...and yes, she was wicked hot in person...~

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