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Tuesday, September 28, 2004



Don't forget Valley Forge park for a winter encampment; East and West River Drives in Philly when the leaves change; the wineries of New Hope.

Da Goddess

Ilford....haven't used it in ages. But I did like it! My favorite film - ever - Fujicolor ISO 400. Don't know why...just is.

TPB, Esq.

Both are good calls. I haven't been to New Hope in ages.

I've used the Fujicolor; it's pretty good.


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To answer your question:

Straight Black and White - Ilford FP4 Plus ISO 125
Chromogenic Black and White - Kodak T400CN
Colour - Depends on the use - for People I prefer Kodak Portra VC
Slide - Fuji Provia

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