Since, this summer, I feel more focused on photography than other seasons (I'll probably get back to writing later, but I'm just having a lot of fun with the camera), I think I'm going to start a list of photos on other blogs that are great. Consider it a sort of "Carnival of the Vanities" for photographers. So, if you'd want to submit photos to what I hope to maintain as a weekly dose of picture envy, let me know.
Rules for Picture Envy (because I'm a lawyer, and need rules):
1. All submissions must be made by 12 AM, Sunday. Anything after that will not be considered. I plan on doing this over the weekend, so I can't spend my entire day waiting for links.
2. When you send me the link, please give me (a) the permalink to the picture itself, (b) the general link to the blog/photoblog/website, (c) the title and, if you so choose, any pertinent information about the picture, and (d) the title of the website., and (e) if you have a website, the appropriate link to that location (update added 6/9/04).
3. Photo tips are accepted and encouraged. If you want to submit a link to a post of your explanation of how to, say, use the zoom lens to create tracer lines. See, e.g., Meg Forbes, Zooming on the Eye
4. I'm going to do my best to post Picture Envy each Monday, with Monday, June 14, 2004 being the first Picture Envy Monday. Note that I said "do my best." There are going to be weeks where I may need some help in doing so, either by way of a guest host or by a rotating hosting schedule.
5. This list of rules is malleable and may change based on suggestions from you or from ideas that spring, fully formed, from my head. I look forward to your thoughts on it.
You knew I'd like this one, didn't you?
Posted by: Da Goddess | Friday, June 11, 2004 at 01:06 AM