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Thursday, June 17, 2004



Photography where it shouldn't be possible. I love it. I have pictures we took once inside Space Mountain at Disney World where the lights were on, it almost seems taboo.


TECHNICALLY! Sunday is the night before Monday which is a school day. ;)

TPB, Esq.

That's right, Sunday is the night before Monday, and Monday's a school day.

I need the pictures in by early Sunday morning so that I can get the list done by Sunday evening.


SHIT! I just realized what I said. damn that was stupid. `12 a.m Saturday is the midnight after saturday night. Well you saw when I wrote that comment.


i can sum it up easier for you: you are a lawyer and therefore not responsible for anything. there - no need for such long disclaimer language, really.


i miss your short stories.


TPB, Esq.

Well, I'm cutting back on my short stories because I want to submit them for publication. Someday, if they get published, you may see them again....

Absolutely, I'm responsible for what I write. I put that disclaimer in there because of that responsibility.


i wish you the best on getting them published. i'll be one of the first in line. but in the meantime, i still miss them. :)

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