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Wednesday, December 31, 2003



Are you using a tripod? Try 3200 speed film if the 1600 doesn't work out.


Well, gosh, thanks I appreciate the shout-out! Especially where coming from somebody with genuine photographic skill :). Rest assured, I owe all my output to an ELPH S200, some quick thinking between the hours of 3:00 and 5:30, and a wonderful little invention called FotoCanvas. One day I hope to actually have to worry about shutter speed!

TPB, Esq.

I do use a tripod for the longer exposures, when I need it (sometimes, I find a surface to rest the camera on in lieu of that). The main problem has been the automatic fill flash, which the Canon guide does not explain how to turn off.

I just got a deal on film from B & H Photo Video (; 1600 film for $2 per roll and 3200 film for $3 per roll (which is less than half what I would pay for this film in a regular store). I'm going to experiment with that a bit.

Hani, regardless of what you use to take the pictures, they came out well. Definitely enjoyed them. The picture of the graffiti reminded me of the film "Waking Life", in fact.

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